I Provide Perspective.

And knowledge. And the ability to see the forest for the trees. And make the complex simple. As a skilled business advisor, who has led travel businesses and wrestled with their complexities and decision points, I bring invaluable perspective to shareholders and leadership teams.

I am an Experienced Advisor.

All of us who have run companies or lines-of-business can get so wrapped up in the day-to-day that we reduce our capacity to think differently and in an unfettered way. Just acknowledging our possible blind spots is a step in the right direction. Clients retain me for my first-hand-experience, been-there-done-that viewpoint, and unencumbered thinking. Whether you are confronted with a strategic challenge or simply need a marketplace assessment and tune-up, I can be your experienced advisor for an hour — a day — a week — or longer.

If you’d like an
experienced advisor

Contact Jeff.